Taxis are located curbside outside between the baggage claim areas. View Map.
For estimated fare information click the following link:
Taxi Not-to-Exceed Rates
Meter Rates
- Flag Drop $2.00
- 1/5 Mile Rate $0.40
- Wait Time Per Minute $0.40
Minimum Charge
If the final meter charge does not exceed $10.00, then a minimum fare of $10.00 will be charged.
Plus Tolls and Fees
Extra Passenger $2.00
Luggage Per Parcel $2.00
Fuel Surcharge (if gas is over $3.00/gallon) $1.00
Estimated* Taxi Fares
- Downtown Tulsa (approximately 8 miles) $20
- Southern Hills Marriot (approximately 14 miles) $33
- University of Tulsa (approximately 6 miles) $16
- American Airlines (approximately 5 miles) $13
- Tulsa Bus Plant (approximately 3 miles) $12