Leasing Policy and Procedures

In order to remain in compliance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements for receiving Federal grant assistance, the Tulsa Airports Improvement Trust (TAIT) adopted a Leasing Policy and Procedure.

The purpose of the TAIT Leasing Policy and Procedure is to:

  • Provide sound, consistent guidelines through which TAIT can respond to the interests of financially stable and responsible Lessees;
  • Administer Airport leaseholds in accordance with its grant assurances;
  • Insure TAIT’s ability to meet its obligation to provide a stable revenue source for the Airport; and
  • Provide guidelines for Airport-related business decisions.

TAIT Leasing Policy

Lease/License Application (New inquiries)

Tenant Request Form (Existing tenant inquiries)

2021 Pooled Insurance Letter

Hangar Inspection Checklist

Tenant Construction or Alteration Application

2024 Air Service Incentive Program


aircraft on runway

The FAA encourages Airport Owners to develop and publish minimum standards for Commercial Aeronautical Services and Commercial Aeronautical Activities to assist in meeting the Airport Owner’s obligations to the FAA.

Tulsa International Airport Minimum Standards

Tulsa Riverside Airport Minimum Standards

TAIT utilizes a standard form of sublease. Following are standard subleases for Tulsa Riverside Airport.

Commercial Sublease Agreement- RVS

Sample Private Hangar Lease – RVS

Unless otherwise specified by contract or agreement, fees charged by TAIT are published as follows.

FY25 Rates Fees and Charges